

New Graduate Recruitment


  • Job Responsibilities

    Programming work relating to game applications/development tools/networks/sounds/etc. for use in game development

  • Who May Apply

    ・Graduates from 4-year universities/graduate schools/junior colleges, vocational schools
    ・Those expected to graduate from a 4-year university, graduate school, junior college, or vocational school in March 2023

  • Desired Skills/Experience

    ・Experience in game development using C++
    ・Those with Unreal Engine 4 experience will receive priority
    ・Those with network game development experience will receive priority

  • What We’re Looking For

    ・People who truly want to create fun and interesting games
    ・People who are cooperative and pleasant to work with
    ・People with a willingness to take in new technologies without being satisfied with the status quo

  • Documentation to Submit

    ・Certificate of expected graduation
    ・Works you’ve programmed (including source code; not limited to games only)

    *Please note that personal information and works submitted (data, physical documents, etc.) will not be returned. This information will not be used for any purpose other than the employee selection process, and will be disposed of properly afterward.

  • What Makes This Job Fun

    You will be involved in the development of unique and original games that no other company can create - not only for Japan, but for the rest of the world as well. The work provides a sense of fulfillment due to being in charge of and responsible for a high percentage of the work in the games we develop.

  • Estimated Salary

    245,000 JPY/month
    *Includes overtime allowance